MOOC Research has ended
avatar for Una-May O'Reilly

Una-May O'Reilly

Leader, AnyScale Learning for All Group
Cambridge, MA
My research group's goal is to contribute Computer Science technology toward helping teachers teach better and students learn better in MOOCs (or blended settings). We are the inventors of MOOCDB and MOOCVIZ - tools that help organize, visualize and analyze the data recorded as students take a MOOC. These frameworks allow everyone - not just the researcher, to understand MOOC-student behavior

If you are interested in joining a MOOCDB data standard working group, please contact kalyan@csail.mit.edu

If you are interested in following the developments of MOOCDB and MOOCVIz, we will be posting updates on our website.
See: http://groups.csail.mit.edu/ALFA/groupWebSit/index.php?n=Site.AlfaX

Eventually there will be a user group. Stay tuned.